The cost of implementing the Action Assist Performance Management offering includes various cost components.
These include project set-up, system activation and implementation, annual subscription fees, ongoing monthly system support, any agreed upon performance management process support, and finally project wrap-up.
Subscription fees vary depending on the actual consumption (i.e. actual number of active module users) on the Action Assist database. The price payable is determined by the number of modules activated, the number of active module users for each module, and data usage.
Additional active module users and data usage above the set allowance will attract an additional cost which will be invoiced on a monthly basis.
There are three (3) types of subscriptions to the Action Assist system. They are:

The monthly pricing for the three types of subscription is as follows:

The pricing for the Monthly Premium HelpDesk System Support and Additional Module users for the Performance Suite and Enterprise offering is presented below:

The Performance Suite subscription pricing for small organisations (i.e less than 100 approved posts) is as follows:

Please take note of the following:
The subscription pricing excludes: VAT, disbursements, implementation, training, system support, and process support costs;
Annual subscription fees are to be paid by the subscriber / client within 30 calendar days from the start of the subscription year / period;
System Support (including access to the online HelpDesk) fees are payable on a prepaid basis in equal monthly instalments on the first working day of each month. The system support includes all offsite support and is included on the principle of fair usage over the subscription period;
The System Support hours of Action Assist are 08h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday, excluding South African public holidays. All faults must be logged directly with Action iT (Pty) Ltd in the manner prescribed. All calls logged will be acknowledged within four (4) support hours from being logged. All correctly logged requests will be cleared within sixteen (16) support hours unless technical or other circumstances prohibit the clearance in which case the request owner will be notified;
Action iT (Pty) Ltd has planned maintenance slots every Sunday from 14h00 to 22h00 during which time user access may be restricted. Should additional time be required a notice giving the necessary details will be posted on Action Assist before the close of Support hours the preceding Thursday;
Any modifications and updates to Action Assist modules and module functionality must be contracted through Action iT (Pty) Ltd and are for the account of the subscriber that initiates the request;
The subscriber / client will assign a dedicated and competent person/s (and at least one backup person) to act as the Database Administrator of the database;
Action iT (Pty) Ltd, at its own discretion, may decide to suspend the availability of Action Assist to the subscriber / client, if after 30 calendar days after the termination of this Agreement, the Agreement has not been replaced with a new Agreement covering the next Action Assist subscription year;